Woundtech’s Results are unmatched in the industry, improving healing rates, reducing unnecessary utilization and total cost of care

1. Healing

Woundtech's Average Days to Heal vs. Industry Average

Fife CE, Carter MJ. Wound Care Outcomes and Associated Cost Among Patients Treated in US Outpatient Wound Centers: Data From the US Wound Registry. Wounds. 2012 Jan;24(1):10-7.

Case study: Three Florida Health Plans' Patients Healing Rate


  • All metrics represent the mean average in the cohort of patients discharged in the reported time period.
  • 366 patient episodes with 942 total wounds treated for Payer A in the reported time period.
  • ‘Avg. Treatment Duration – Healed Patients’ is from the cohort of patients discharged with wounds healed.
  • ‘Wound Duration Prior to Treatment’ excludes wounds with anomaly data greater than 4000 days.
  • ‘Average Days to Heal a Wound from US Wound Registry data’ is 107 days based on 7K wounds nationwide (Fife, 2012).

Study: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/wound.2017.0743

2. Utilization of Other Health Care Services

Woundtech's Utilization Rates for Services That are Often Over-utilized


  • Ennis WJ, Fibeger E, Messner K, Meneses P. Wound healing outcomes: the impact of site of care and patient stratification. Wounds. 2007 Nov;19(11):286-93.
  • Caroline E. Fife, MD, CWS; Marissa J. Carter, PhD, MA; David Walker, CHT; Brett Thomson, BS, Wound Care Outcomes and Associated Cost Among Patients Treated in US Outpatient Wound Centers: Data From the US Wound Registry, WOUNDS 2012;24(1):10–17.
  • Kim JJ, Franczyk M, Gottlieb LJ, Song DH. Cost-effective Alternative for Negative-pressure Wound Therapy. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2017 Feb 6;5(2):e1211.
  • Hajhosseini B, Kuehlmann BA, Bonham CA, Kamperman KJ, Gurtner GC. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Descriptive Review of the Technology and Current Application in Chronic Wounds. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2020 Sep 25;8(9):e3136.

3. Costs of Care

On Average, Woundtech Treatment Costs 5x less than Wound Care Clinics

* Carter MJ. Why Is Calculating the "True" Cost-to-Heal Wounds So Challenging? Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2018 Nov 1;7(11):371-379.

One Independent Health Plan Study Determined
Woundtech Wound Care Patients' Total Cost of Care was Reduced by 31%

* Based on Independent Payer Study, 2021, Medicare Population.

4. High Patient Satisfaction